Meet The Team

We are collective of creatives, all with different experiences and expertise that we bring to the company and our work. We have a pool of people we enjoy collaborating with and have worked with more than once.

We are always looking to meet and work with new people.

Headshot of Paige

Paige Canavan-Smith 

Artistic Director & Performer

Paige began this project, with the simple stimulus of the Philip Pullman story and an idea to use puppetry to explore this epic tale. With a master's degree in theatre making, alumni of Drama St Mary's and a background with facilitation in theatre for both children and young adults, Paige has experience in many aspects of the industry. Her ability to be innovative and lead the company forward in projects has made her an asset to the progression of Unsettled. With performance credits ranging from The Suppliant Women, directed by Ramin Gray, to a puppetry piece devised with Andy Brunskill, her talent also lies in musical theatre having trained in both the UK and USA.  Paige is currently working with Kenny Wax Productions after working over three years in regional theatre, working as a Director Assistant, Venue Supervisor and Business Development Officer.

Paige oversees the project and company as Director and is a performer in UTFOF, as well as facilitating Unsettled workshops for young people.

Headshot of Anais

Anais Fallow

Podcast Producer & Performer

Anais is a Sheffield-born, Edinburgh-raised actor. She grew up gaining credits in several performances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. With both experience in performing and technical support, she was able to develop a great understanding of how shows are created from the ground up. In 2017 she moved from one capital to another to study acting here in London. While honing her craft she met other like-minded performers and joined Unsettled in her final year of study at Drama St Mary's. 

Anais currently works as a Performer/Educator aboard the Golden Hinde Ship on London’s South Bank and is involved in delivering the Unsettled school’s outreach program alongside her performance in UTFOF. She also produces the Unsettled podcast “But Why?” delivering weekly episodes to our growing audience.

Headshot of Natasha

Natasha Ryszka-Onions

Co-creator & Technical Operator  

Natasha is an Acting graduate from Drama St Mary's following an outstanding production of Welcome To Thebes directed by Anthony Ekundayo Lennon. As part of her time there, she had training in Viewpoints, with The Pappy Show, and Michael Attenborough. Natasha has recently trained with the National Youth Theatre and Frantic Assembly, where she extended her skills in creative writing, physical theatre, devising and ensemble work which has informed her work on The Untold Fable of Fritz. She is also a facilitator for Unsettled Theatre, and has led aspects of their work to create accessible and sustainable theatre and outreach.

At present, Natasha works in Press and Marketing as a Communications Administrator at the Royal Court Theatre, London. She has previously worked in Box Office and Marketing for The Spring Arts and Heritage Centre, a regional theatre in the UK, where she first developed her knowledge of the theatre industry. Natasha has also Stage Managed shows for theatre group, Bench Theatre where she began to develop her knowledge in the technical aspects of theatre.

Natasha co-writes and co-directs for UTOF

Headshot of Tom

Tom Wheeldon

Marketing Officer & Performer 

Tom is Blackpudlian born, a physical actor with experience including Frantic Assembly, The Pappy Show and working with directors such as David Grindley and Kasia Zaremba-Byrne. Tom’s flair for characterisation and physical theatre is integral to Unsettled's motif. Credits ranging from Netflix pilots and stage performances. 

Tom is currently overseeing all social media and public relations on behalf of the company. He is also performing in UTOF.